Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Percepatan Penurunan Stunting Tahun 2024

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Client: Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI

Foto bersama dengan baju adat di acara rakornas stunting
Penyerahan penghargaan di acara rakornas stunting
Para pejabat yang ikut datang di acara rakornas stunting
Foto bersama dengan baju adat di acara rakornas stunting
Para peserta yang mengikuti acara townhall budaya kerja Kemenkes
Sesi tanya jawab di acara rakornas stunting
Tampak luas suasana di acara rakornas stunting
Pembawa acara di townhall budaya kerja Kemenkes
Salah satu sambutan dari petinggi di acara rakornas stunting

Let's Grow Together!

At the heart of our business is a belief in the power of human connection. We've grown through the friendships we've forged and the shared experiences that have shaped us. Let's continue to build something special together.

Pitibaraka Group is Visual Production House & Event Organizer - Event Production Company based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

© 2025 Pitibaraka Group. All rights reserved

Thank you for reaching out!

We appreciate you taking the time to connect with us. Your message is important to us, and our team will be in touch very soon. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you.

Pitibaraka Group